Flow of Content Creation

The Flow of Content Creation

As they say, people visit social media platforms to find ideas and inspiration. Their main purpose is not to make a purchase or shop around. But with the power of blogging or content creation, brands and businesses were able to drive sales. A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong says that content creation starts with giving the audience an idea of how they can solve their problems. As you bring them along in the journey, they realize that the best solution is your product or service. As such, these prospects were converted into buyers. As you nurture them with more information about your brand, they eventually become your loyal followers. If you are seeking ways on how to improve your business blogs, here is the flow of content creation that can lead you to success! 

Get Inspiration

Content inspiration comes from different directions. It can come from answers to a question, bike rides, conversations, trending topics, etc. The best topic for content answers what the customers are asking. They are original and unique in a way that they brought new learnings. They are also analytics-driven by reviewing what the audiences engage in. 

A social media agency Hong Kong believes in the power of repurposing evergreen content. As these pieces of content cover something in general, it may be smart to rewrite them and add a new piece of information. Older content has a strong URL that has already ranked on SEO. They may also have feedback from the audience that you can use to improve them. 

If you feel that a topic is likely to trigger conversation, it may be a good inspiration for content creation. To validate your claim, socialize the topic to your network by asking a question. Ask them what they think about the topic. 

Conduct a Thorough Research

The next flow of content creation is to conduct thorough research about the topic you have chosen. You should first consider your authority or expertise on the subject matter. This can be very helpful in giving value to the content. Alternatively, you can do an online search for data, explanations, statistics, steps, or stories about it. Producing new statistics performs well. 

If you want the content to rank among search engines, you may also need to conduct keywords or key phrases research. Focus on the demand for the keyword and its difficulty. The demand shows that the majority of your target audiences are looking for the topic. The difficulty signals your authority over the topic. There are keyword research tools that can help you like Ahrefs, Keyword Tool, KWFinder, Moz Keyword Explorer, and SEMrush.

The best content creation is a topic that most people are looking for. It also provides accurate and deep information about the subject. It also answers important questions that are related to the topic and includes the voices of relevant experts.  

Set the Content Structure

Setting a template for your content is better than starting with a blank document. With a template or structure, you will have an idea of how to organize your content. This can also help you plan the promotion of the content. The first part of your content structure should be an eye-catching headline. The title should entice users to view your content. Remember that the best article doesn’t get read if they have a boring title. The most compelling titles should have the following qualities:

  • Ask a Question 
  • Create Intrigue
  • Deliver a Promise
  • Include Keywords 
  • Tell the Reader What to Expect 
  • Unique

After creating a compelling headline, the next step is to write the outline of the content. Based on your research, build the formatting for the content to flow logically. Start with a quick overview of what the content is all about. Keep it in one concise paragraph as possible. Experts say that great content is not written. Instead, they are assembled. To create an engaging experience for your viewers, write using formatting. Use subheadings to categorize information. If you need to enumerate more than three items in a paragraph, break them down into bulleted or numbered lists. 

Liven Up Your Content

Content using pure text or words can be boring. They also result in eye strain and poor retention among readers. Adding visuals is even more important than formatting content. It is because they attract more people to read them and help them retain the information they consume longer. People’s faces are magnetic. They rank on top of the visual hierarchy that most audiences love. 

Another way to liven up your content is to add examples and stories. Most content fails because they are too common. The information they provide is redundant to what other pages offer. To differentiate your content from the rest, adding real-life experiences or relevant stories can make them more exciting. People love being involved with something emotionally. A little narrative with characters and conflict related to them can spice up their experience. 

Besides livening up content, adding links and quotes can build authority. Using powerful quotes from experts and legends breaks the boring part of a narrative. Links of pages that you use references on your content serve as a validation of your data. 

Polish Your Content and Promote

The flow of content creation does not stop in writing the content. After finishing the write-up, you will need to polish your content. Read it out loud several times. If you find it hard to pronounce certain words or phrases, re-structure them. Try to use simple and straightforward words that your audiences can relate to and understand. Once you are satisfied with the results, take one more final read to ensure that the content is well-polished.

The last flow of content creation is promoting your content. Like a piece of precious jewelry, your content will not shine if you do not flaunt it to the world. There are many ways to promote an article or blog. But the most effective ways are through affiliates, email, PR & outreach, and social media sharing. 

Reference: https://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/content-creation-process/