Twitter Spaces

Getting Started with Twitter Spaces

In the fall of 2019, Paul Davison and Rohan Seth created “Talkshow.” It was an app designed for listening to podcasts. In February 2020, the app was rebranded as Clubhouse, a drop-in, and invite-only audio chat app. It was specifically redesigned for 2 types of people – talkers and listeners. When the COVID-19 pandemic heightened in March 2020, Clubhouse became a hit in the US. This prompted other social media networks to clone the app. 

As a Clubhouse clone, Twitter created Spaces. They are live audio rooms for the Twitter nation. The platform began testing these audio rooms way back in November 2020. The feature was globally launched last May. Since then, the platform continues to innovate to enhance Spaces and outcompete the Clubhouse app. A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong is confident that Twitter Spaces will be the leader of audio marketing moving forward. With 199 million daily active users of Twitter, and the platform’s modern technology, Spaces will surely go a long, long way. 


Twitter Spaces are live audio rooms that can accommodate up to 11 participants, including the host. They are available both for Android and iOS users. There are two ways for Twitter users to host or start a Space or audio room. First, you can long-press the tweet composer on your home page and choose the Spaces icon. The icon shows multiple circles forming a diamond shape. Second, users can tap their profile image on Fleets and move far-right to tap Spaces.

A social media agency Hong Kong notes that Twitter Spaces are public. This means anyone who has a Twitter account can join. A Twitter Space host can invite users through a unique link that he or she could send as a direct message (DM), share via email, chat, or on other social media platforms. The Space host can also tweet a Space on his or her profile. The Space host can also customize the name of the Space or audio room. Once a Space room is in progress, a bubble on the Fleets of a Twitter profile will be visible for both the hosts and listeners.  

Twitter users can also schedule Spaces for later. After tapping the Spaces icon, just select “schedule for later.” A host can then set the date and time when he or she would like to go live. At the chosen date and time, just click the microphone button to start the Space audio room. The listeners’ microphones are automatically muted. Listeners who want to speak can send a request by tapping the “request” button under the microphone icon. The host can decline or grant access to such a request. The host is also capable of inviting listeners to speak as co-hosts.


Modern consumers are also tapping into the power of audio listening like radios a few decades ago.  They listen to podcasts for inspiration and to learn new skills. For a more private connection, they tend to use audio rooms instead of video calls. 

Twitter Spaces are new ways for marketers to fill up their content marketing calendar. Twitter Spaces is a free tool that marketers can use to establish a dynamic presence with the Twitter nation. Using the power of the human voice, they can authentically connect to their target audience. 

Twitter brands hosting audio Spaces can educate their audiences to highlight the important features of their products and services. Spaces work both for Android and iOS users. As such, Spaces can boost both a brand’s reach and revenue.

Twitter Spaces can also boost engagement among brands. They use captions making them accessible to users. They also allow reactions for listeners to actively engage within the conversation.


Emoji Reactions

Twitter Spaces allow emoji reactions while the conversation is ongoing. This is to make it easier for the listeners to actively engage in the conversation and express their emotions. They can react in real-time by highlighting an emoji. This emoji will come up on their profile photo within the Space audio room. The Clubhouse app also doesn’t have such graphics reactions within an audio room. To react within Clubhouse audio rooms, a listener needs to flash the microphone to request permission to speak. This is the only way that listeners can reply to what the speaker is saying.

Membership Option

Unlike Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces is not an invite-only membership. Any Twitter account with at least 600 followers can launch a Space audio room. If an account has less than 600 followers, you can send a request to the Twitter help center on how you can access Spaces. As such, Twitter Spaces is technically open to the 330 million members of the Twitter nation.

Pinned Tweets

While a Twitter Space audio room is in progress, hosts can pin content on top of the room. To pin a tweet, go to the tweet composer while hosting a live Space audio room and add content. Such pinned tweets are highlighted for other speakers and listeners to see. They can engage with, follow, or share these pinned tweets. Spaces hosts can also add multiple pinned tweets to serve as a presentation right inside Spaces. The Clubhouse app only focuses and doesn’t have such text or visual components. This is one advantage of Twitter Spaces over them.

Rename Audio Rooms

Twitter Spaces allow flexibility in changing the name of audio rooms and deleting pinned tweets as needed. This can let potential listeners know the topics of the conversations. Especially during long conversations when the Spaces topics change from time to time, hosts can change the Spaces’ name as needed. The Clubhouse app focuses on short audio discussions. As such, they don’t have a function of changing the audio room’s name as the conversation started. They can only put a name on the room before the audio discussion progresses. 

Twitter Spaces has been a major competitor of the Clubhouse app. It has even slowed down the popularity of the latter. With Twitter being an established social media network, it will surely find ways to make Spaces a great marketing option.


Improve Instagram Reach

How to Improve Instagram Reach

Like a Silicon Valley fairy tale, the photo-sharing app, Instagram, rose with momentum in its first few months. It was launched in October 2010 by Kevin Systrom as an iOS mobile app. Immediately, it racked up 25,000 users a day. In less than 2 years, the king of social media, Facebook bought it for $1 billion cash and stocks. Yet, like old good tales, Instagram has witnessed many conflicts and synergies, failures and successes, twists and turns. Now, it has gone a long way and become the second best social media platform where you can market your business.


A social media agency Hong Kong defines Instagram marketing as the way brands connect to their target audience within the platform. It does not involve direct promotions of products and services. Instead, it focuses on publishing engaging photos and videos to inspire Instagrammers to make a purchase. With a number of original filters, marketers can create photo and video ads using their Instagram cameras. The very first Instagram ad was published in 2013 by Michael Kors. It’s a photo of a golden MK watch surrounded by some French macaroons and a white coffee cup. The ad never looks invasive even though it was pushed on the IG feeds of people who don’t follow the Michael Kors IG Page. 

Today, there are around 1.074 billion monthly active users (MAUs) on Instagram. It houses over 200 million business profiles globally. The average time an Instagrammer spends on the platform is 30 minutes per day. A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong has noted that 60% of Instagram users discover new products on the platform with 90% of the following at least one brand. With 130 million of them tapping shopping posts monthly, the revenue on Instagram ads is expected to reach $18.16 billion this year. With these powerful marketing statistics, it is, therefore, important for brands to know how to improve Instagram reach. We’ve got you covered here!


Instagram has a complex algorithm in determining the best post to show its users. They are ranked based on the popularity of the content and what kind of post a user interacts with. The relationship between accounts is also a factor that affects the ranking of Instagram posts on a certain feed. This algorithm changes from time to time to provide a better user experience on Instagram. To improve Instagram’s reach, here are some tactics and tips.

Add Location Tags on Your Posts. Geotags or location tags on Instagram are latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates showing a physical location. These areas are identified by the GPS on a mobile device. They can be a geographical point like a city or town. They can also be a location category like a business or landmark. Adding location tags on your Instagram posts is a great wait to put your business location and physical stores on the map. People will see them as they search for local posts or accounts near them. It is the easiest way to expand your organic reach on Instagram.

Experiment with Different Posts and Formats on Instagram. People go to Instagram, not mainly to shop, but to look for ideas and inspirations. As such, it will be best to experiment with different posts and formats for brands to improve Instagram reach. More than 50 billion photos were already uploaded on Instagram since its inception. Instagram Stories are huge. There are 500 million Instagrammers who use Stories daily. A video marketing agency Hong Kong suggests that they are perfect to use for AR lenses, fundraising, links, polls, questions, and shopping. Reels are a new addition to Instagram. They are short video content that clones TikTok clips. IGTV is a great way to educate customers and showcase products and services. While Instagram Live is the perfect way to connect with your audiences in real-time. Around 80% of them prefer watching a live video over reading a brand’s blog. Using different posts and formats on Instagram can maximize your impact as they allow you to engage with the different preferences of your target audience. It also avoids making your Instagram business account boring to your followers.

Optimize the Accessibility of Your IG Posts. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are around 1 billion people with disabilities all over the world. These include people with hearing impairment, physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and visual problems. If a brand or business will not optimize the accessibility of their social media posts to this group of people, they will be missing out on 25% of their target audiences. To optimize the accessibility of IG content, here are automatic features you can use on Instagram.

  • Alt text to describe images and photos.
  • Auto captions for IGTV with instant subtitles in 16 different languages.
  • Manual captions on Stories and video posts.
  • Videos that can be lip-read and with minimum background noise.

Test Different Posting Frequencies and Time on Instagram. In general, it is recommended to post 1 to 3 times per day on Instagram. The best time to post is between 10 AM to 3 PM on Wednesdays and Fridays. Yet, testing different posting frequencies and times within the platform can help you know when most of your followers are online and receptive enough to engage in your content. Start by using Instagram Insights. It will give you an idea of when your followers are active. It also gives feedback on what post format excels best. It takes a couple of weeks to discover the right rhythm. But it will be worth it if you want to improve your Instagram reach.


LinkedIn Followers

Tips & Tricks to Increase LinkedIn Followers

A unique social media network stands as a de facto platform for most professionals. With its live launch in May 2003, LinkedIn is one of the oldest mainstream platforms. It was founded by Reid Hoffman, an entrepreneur and strategist who has been a board member of eBay, Google, and Paypal. Hoffman earned his bachelor’s degree at Stanford University and his master’s degree at Oxford University. From Oxford, he landed a job as an editor of a gaming company. From there, he founded one of the first social media networks in Silicon Valley called SocialNet in 1997. Such a startup soon failed, but as Hoffman pitched his ideas to network investors, he eventually founded LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn founders were all seasoned executives of reputable companies. This may be the reason why such a social network was designed as a platform for professionals. By 2006, LinkedIn had over 5 million members. This can be accounted for by its shift to paid job ads and subscription options. Today, LinkedIn has 756 million members including 57 million businesses. It has become a very powerful platform in B2B marketing. That is why most LinkedIn Pages aim to increase their LinkedIn followers. Here are some tips and tricks!

Activate Your People

LinkedIn is a platform among professionals. This means that a LinkedIn Page certainly has followers who work for the brand or business. Employees on LinkedIn are the biggest assets of brands and businesses. If they share the same passion as the management, they can invite more followers to a LinkedIn Page. Encourage your employees to keep an up-to-date LinkedIn profile. Invite them to share any new products, developments, or updates. By fostering internal engagement, you can turn your employees on LinkedIn as brand advocates. 

Get the Basics Right

A social media agency Hong Kong notes that the most essential step to having a LinkedIn Page worth following is to update your company page information. Fill in all the elements to complete your page including addresses, contact details, logo, and other organizational info. These pieces of information clearly and quickly convey what your business is all about. It is also important to include pertinent keywords relevant to your business. This is because LinkedIn Pages crawled among search engines and rank higher. Never forget to add a CTA on your LinkedIn Page, newsletters, company websites, and other social media pages. An “Invite to Follow” button can jump many followers aboard your LinkedIn Page. 

Know and Grow Your Audience

There are lots of insights that brands and businesses can look at on LinkedIn Pages. These insights can be accessed through Page Analytics. They are aggregated data about the demographics and traits of your LinkedIn followers. Through Linked Page Analytics, brands and businesses will be able to know their audiences better. As such, they could grow their community of followers through content that interests them. Aligning your content according to the audiences’ interests will result in shares and re-shares. More people will discover your Page and become your followers. For brands and marketers, LinkedIn ads also offer 200 targeting characteristics.

Join Conversations that Matter to Your Brand

The best way to increase LinkedIn followers, according to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, is to continuously engage in the platform. Strong communities are not built by one-way dialogs. Instead, they are built by two-way communications. You may want to join existing conversations relevant to your industry. In this way, you can learn and share new ideas that might help you and other LinkedIn users. A simple way to nurture communication in the platform is to use community hashtags. This makes your followers feel valued. Finding popular conversations, events, and trends can also help a Page’s visibility on LinkedIn. By joining them, you can create real-time interactions and engagement.

Publish Thought Leadership Content

The best platform to publish educational content is LinkedIn. It is a thriving community of entrepreneurs, marketers, and leaders who long for knowledge. Around 88% of LinkedIn users who are decision-makers in a business agreed that content plays a crucial role in LinkedIn’s presence. Thought leadership content is relevant and well-researched posts. They display an author’s expertise and experience in a certain industry or niche. A video marketing agency Hong Kong notes that LinkedIn users are more likely to share video posts 20x than other content formats. On the other hand, live streams get 24x more comments and 7x more reactions. To gain insights on resonating topics, LinkedIn users can check its content suggestion features.

The Bottom Line

LinkedIn may not have as many followers as other social media platforms. But by being a unique platform for professionals, it has proven to boost conversion and engagement among brands and businesses. This is why it is important to grow your followers and impact on LinkedIn. Your LinkedIn Page serves as your social homepage that gets discovered by online communities. By investing a little energy and time to update it and interact with your followers, you are sure to grow your Linked community. 


SEO-Friendly Content

Tips to Create More SEO-Friendly Content

The Internet allows access to any information that people need. Yet not all data online are accurate and equal. That is why search engine platforms put algorithms in place to provide the most helpful and relevant search results. A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong quotes that SEO is not about getting traffic. It is more about getting relevant and targeted traffic. This means that brands and businesses need to create more SEO-friendly content to succeed. Here are some amazing tips!

The search algorithms of Google are continuously evolving. The reason behind this is to avoid manipulations and tricks to improve search ranking. So, the safest way for brands to rank on top searches is to follow Google’s SEO guidelines. It may be challenging and tricky. Google aims to give searchers the best online experience. The key is making your content, pages, and websites user-friendly. Below are some tips to create more SEO-friendly content.

Tip No. 1 Start with Keyword Research

Keywords are the direction of content. So, before you start writing, it is important to do keyword research. This is time-consuming as it is the process of creating a list of the most searched and valuable keywords relevant to your industry or niche. To do keyword research, start by creating a list of keywords that are important to your brand. Enter each topic one by one at Google’s Keyword Tool to choose the seed keywords. Choose keywords with a high volume of searches and a low keyword difficulty with a score of lower than 80. A piece of content should target a primary keyword and 5 to 10 supplementary keywords. To identify the primary keyword, brands have to ask what their audience is looking for and what questions they commonly ask online. 

Tip No. 2 Optimize Your Content’s Headline

The title of content shows as the clickable headline among search results. A good title can make or break content. If they are unique but most likely recognizable, people will be curious to click the link of your content. According to a social media agency Hong Kong, most social media platforms use the title tag to determine how to display a shared page. All these reasons make it very important for brands to optimize their content headline. A good title should be relevant to the search intent and contain the target keyword. Keep the title short but sweet. As much as possible, the headline should at least be up to 60 characters. Most brands also find it effective to include the brand’s name within the title.

Tip No. 3 – Optimized Meta Descriptions

A meta description describes what content is all about in 155 to 160 characters. They are shown below the headline or title of content on the search results. Brands should optimize the meta description of the content to show its value among searchers. By successfully doing so, it will increase the content’s click-through rates. To optimize the meta description, use only 1 to 2 sentences and include a target keyword. Evoke the searchers’ emotions by uniquely describing the content. Think of a meta description as a mini ad for your content. State your value proposition to the searcher in an active voice. Another reason why meta description is important as a video marketing agency Hong Kong notes is that a meta description makes a video content readable and understandable in Google’s algorithms. The text description boosts the indexing of the video for people to find them easily.

Tip No. 4 – Organize the Structure of Your Content to Make Them Readable

Why is it important to make content readable? When your content is easy to read, there’s a better chance that the audience will continue reading it. But if the content isn’t organized and causes eye strain, the audience will likely abandon it. Great content is easy to consume, skim, and understand. To create one, break each topic into subtopics. This makes it easy for readers to digest information in bits. As much as possible, use simple words that the reader can understand. If there is a need to use a complex or unique word, try to explain the concept of those words in simple language. The content should answer the searcher’s intent or query. Do this by extracting each point per topic. A summary at the end of the content also makes it easy for readers to remember the information much longer.

Tip No. 5 – Add Visuals

Visuals are illustrations, images, or videos added to enrich content. Around 87.5% of marketers used visuals on their content. This is because content with visuals is more engaging and interesting. Why? Because the human brain can process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. To optimize adding visuals in content, focus on reducing your image size to load faster. But the quality of the image should also not suffer. Put a name on your images using plain language to make them readable by Google. Describe exactly what the image shows on the Alt tags. 


Mobile Marketing

A Guide to Mobile Marketing

As you walk on the street, you’ll see a lot of people browsing on their mobile phones while walking. Even when you eat in a restaurant or ride a bus, customers and commuters are busy and engage with smart devices. This is a world’s reality. Today, around 4.8 billion people own a mobile phone. That is 62% of the world’s total population. Therefore, it is safe to say that mobile marketing will continue to stay. As it is the era where people use mobile devices more than ever, brands need to connect with them in a mobile way. Let’s check on this guide to mobile marketing.

What Is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is a strategy on digital marketing where brands approach their target audiences through ads optimized for mobile devices, smartphones, or tablets. Like desktop advertisements, mobile marketing reaches people via an app, email, search, engines, social media, or on websites. To succeed in mobile marketing, a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong said that brands will need to do the following steps.

  • Create content optimized for mobile devices.
  • Focus on creating effective mobile ads.
  • Use mobile apps and platforms. 

With a larger audience accessing mobile devices today, mobile-friendly content and websites can help brands grow their reach. 

The Concept of Mobile Marketing

It is very obvious that mobile marketing is effective because of the larger number of audiences it reaches. However, certain elements make mobile advertising very engaging. A social media agency Hong Kong notes that the convenience of using mobile phones anytime and anywhere helps brands promote their product and services 24/7. Creating mobile ads is also fairly easy and simple to create. There is no need for a studio setup to curate images and videos. Using a smartphone, brands can click and post content about their products and services. This also makes it quicker for brands to launch a campaign. More brands are now engaging in mobile marketing because they are a cost-effective digital marketing strategy. They don’t need to hire creators and models to craft campaigns and promotions. The ads also have a larger reach because they are location-based and use multilanguage settings. So, there is a higher chance to get your message across to the audience.

There are different ways how brands can use mobile marketing today. The most common techniques are:

  • App-based marketing
  • Augmented and virtual reality
  • In-game mobile marketing
  • Location-based marketing
  • Mobile ads
  • Mobile coupons
  • Mobile payment
  • Mobile search
  • Mobile website
  • QR codes
  • Text promotion (SMS, push notification)

For brands, it is also important to hire a video marketing agency Hong Kong to optimize video ads in mobile marketing. Modern consumers prefer to learn more about products and services by watching short-form video content rather than reading their text descriptions of features and specifications.

The 5 Elements of a Successful Mobile Marketing Strategy

There are 5 building blocks to a successful mobile marketing strategy. These elements include the following:

Consider the User Experience

This is one important element that brands commonly neglect when setting up a mobile marketing strategy. Viewing an ad on the desktop is entirely different when a user views it on a mobile device. Desktops have larger screens than smartphones and tablets. On the other hand, it is much faster viewing an ad over a smartphone than on larger screens. A successful mobile marketing strategy for a brand is to optimize its website to be mobile-friendly. Images and videos should be compressed to make them look better and engaging to mobile users. Brands should see to it that their websites are loading fast as mobile users have a very short attention span.

Customized In-App and Targeting Content

A large percentage of mobile users can access information through mobile apps. These are programs or software that can be downloaded by mobile users for easy access to data they need. Through these apps, brands can create customized ads for their target audiences. They can partner with the program and software developer to launch ads among users with higher buying intent. Such attention-grabbing mobile content can boost brand awareness and conversion. Another way to personalize mobile content is by using CTA. After segmenting their audience base, brands can create a variation of CTAs that fit the interest of a certain group of audiences.

Gather Users’ Feedback and User-Generated Content

Mobile consumers expect 24/7 customer service and instant gratifications. It is thus important for brands to automate their mobile customer service experience. Chatbots can better assist with complaints and queries through the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. This technology can make customers feel that they are talking to real human beings. User-generated content is also a powerful way to evoke the customer’s emotions and drive sales. Social media users tend to have a greater connection with other people who experience their pain points. By effectively using a customer’s positive review or testimonial, brands can save on their ad spending with an even higher return on investment (ROI).

Stay Relevant on Trends

Mobile marketing is ever-changing. Brands need to be flexible enough to stay relevant to existing trends. Today, video marketing and voice search are the rising trends in mobile marketing. Because mobile users have busy lifestyles, they prefer voice command searches over texting long keywords. They also love viewing images and watching videos instead of reading articles. For relevant brands, gaming apps can be a great way to mobile marketing. A majority of gamers play games using mobile apps. Tapping into the power of these technologies can engage gamers who are always willing to pay premium content. Mobile push notifications have also seen a 90% open rate. 

This year is the era of mobile marketing. Brands should expect to witness a fast pace of growth among mobile marketers. To keep one’s momentum going on, it is best to stay ahead of the competition.


The Basics of Google EAT

Ever wondered how Google ranks its search results? Well, the common answer is through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. But there is more to it!  Google also hires human evaluators to audit the quality of its search results. Under a Google Search Quality Evaluation Guideline, EAT and YMYL matter most. YMYL means “Your Money or Your Life.” It covers content that directly impacts one’s happiness based on health, finances, and safety. So, what about Google EAT? Let’s talk about it further here!


EAT stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This is the framework that Google human raters use to evaluate content creators, webpages, and websites. Google EAT is not a ranking factor on search results. However, it indirectly helps you rank in organic searches. This is because Google wants to ensure that sites with high-quality content rank better and sites with low-quality content get less visibility.


Always remember that Google’s standard of expertise depends on the topic of a page. There is a higher standard on more specialized topics. The EXPERTISE of a content author is very important to Google. Google’s main goal is to provide pages on a search result that contains useful information. If the content is written by someone who’s not competent enough, it is possible that the information may be harmful or misleading. The expertise rating of content commonly applies to YMYL pages. For example, Google prefers medical content to be written by a recognized medical professional. Or, it may have at least been reviewed by an MD listed in the article credentials. If the author of the page is not an expert but is sharing a personal experience, the content will be evaluated based on how applicable it is to the searched keyword and its relevant perspective. For example, a patient who is suffering from an illness can be an expert on how the illness makes you feel. Moreover, if the content is accurate and detailed enough, even if not written by an expert, Google will still reward the site with a better ranking. This is where the human factor of a human rater applies. To make sure that your site displays expertise very well, a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong suggests the following:

  • Choosing a content creator with authority on a certain field or niche
  • Including expert data or quotes from official or trustworthy sources
  • Peppering content with high-quality charts, infographics, photos, or videos


If a searcher is Googling information for research purposes, expertise matters. For example, someone will most likely consult a mechanic to fix a vehicle being a car expert. But if a searcher is looking for products and services, authoritativeness matters. Yelp reviews are very powerful when people want to know the reputation of a local restaurant. They are written by average people. Yet, they are credible enough in sharing their fine dining experiences. A social media agency Hong Kong credits authority as the power to influence people. It is like credibility which has the power to convince. The AUTHORITATIVENESS of a page in Google is judged based on two factors:

  • The credibility of the main content
  • The reputation of the author and its website

Just like expertise, authoritativeness relates to how much of a leading figure one is perceived in a certain industry. If you are a leading figure in fitness and health, then you will most likely write credible content about them. Other websites will quote your words and link your web pages to their websites. These backlinks are very important to SEO. Online reputation also matters. If the website is a trusted source of information, it will receive high praises from other experts and positive reviews from users. Thus, the authoritativeness of a page greatly depends on third-party users. This is because without social proof from website visitors, the page has technically no use. To build authority, web pages should aim to collect the following:

  • Backlinks
  • Endorsement from experts of the industry or niche
  • Industry or niche credits
  • Ratings and reviews from users and communities
  • Recommendation from industry influencers
  • Relevant acknowledgment and certifications


The best way to prove the TRUSTWORTHINESS of a site is a valid security certificate showing on web pages. It is also important to add links to the most visible location of the webpage. Assuring your website visitors that their information is safe results in them trusting the website as a reliable source of information. Google ranks the trustworthiness of a page based on the creator’s backlinks, credentials, reviews, and shares. Google knows that people appreciate and trust websites that deliver accurate and trustworthy data. So, they will move them up on search results. To improve the trustworthiness of a website, Google recommends the following:

  • Regulate the ad contents on your website. Banners and pop-ups can generate revenue but drive away annoyed visitors.
  • Make yourself available to engage through chats, contact pages, and search functions. Turn your website into a place where consumers can turn for information instead of just receiving a sales pitch.
  • Show off your trustworthiness. Display guarantees, trust seals, and warranties within your web pages. Moreover, highlight Google reviews, positive ratings, and testimonials. 

Today, a video marketing agency Hing Kong noted that the best way to publish positive ratings and testimonials is to published user-generated content. A happy customer’s video showing how a brand helps him or her solve a pain point can evoke emotions and drive conversions.


In general, Google AI and machine learning rank the quality of pages by performing Google’s algorithms. But the accuracy and performance of Google AI and machine learning are reviewed by real people. This is to make sure that the rating of pages conducted by robots considers the human aspect of every query. AI and quality raters follow the same criteria. Thus, for a web page to rank high, the key is simple. Following Google EAT guidelines is the least every website can do to rank on Google.


6 Ways Artificial Intelligence Helps Digital Marketing

6 Ways Artificial Intelligence Helps Digital Marketing

Can a machine think? Can they do digital marketing? These are the common questions marketers are facing. Modern technology makes it possible for artificial intelligence to automate everything. Artificial intelligence (AI) is imitating human intelligence over machines. Machines are programmed to mimic their actions to aid in the execution of tasks and problem-solving. There are two kinds of AI – weak and strong. A weak AI is very simple and only performs a single task. A strong AI performs complex and many tasks. They are very human-like. A subset of AI is machine learning. It means the capacity of computer programs to absorb a huge amount of information. From these data, they can adapt and learn without human intervention.

A social media agency Hong Kong says that artificial intelligence boosts the fourth industrial revolution, which seems true. Today, effective social media rely on audience insights and machine algorithms. Search results in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo were ranked by machine learning. Even 24/7 customer service on eCommerce websites and messaging apps are powered by chatbots. Indeed, artificial intelligence greatly helps digital marketing. Here are 6 ways on how it does so.

Boost Awareness and Conversion 

Modern people commonly search for products and services online. For products to be discovered, marketers should use the proper search engine optimization (SEO). They can do this by using relevant keywords commonly typed by an online searcher on the search box. The keywords should be about the brand or product, plus its features and benefits. 

Through artificial intelligence, search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo determine organic search results when a user types a query. Search engines’ AI rank them through the keywords, quality of the content, quality of a site, and location of the searcher. For example, a Chicago searcher typing “top restaurants” will see the most popular restaurant within the city and in Illinois. A searcher in Los Angeles typing the same keyword will see the most popular restaurant within the city and in California.

A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong reports that 70% of high-performing marketing teams have a fully designed AI strategy. They use machine learning as a competitive advantage. These teams have a growth mindset and invest in training to enhance their knowledge about AI. As such, they have greater knowledge of marketing analytics. 

Drive Better Customer Service Experience

The behavior of modern consumers has greatly evolved. They shop online anytime, anywhere. They demand immediate results. When they have a question, they want answers fast. When they are prepared to buy a product, they will do it even in the middle of the night. AI has made it possible for brands to connect with their customers 24/7. Through chatbots, they can seamlessly handle all customer concerns anytime, anywhere.

A chatbot is a software application that simulates a human conversation. As an AI, it is one of the most advanced and promising ways to mimic human interaction. Chatbots are integrated on messaging platforms, mobile apps, social media accounts, and websites. They are used to handle customer queries, sales, and other service concerns. They can also be used to conduct a survey or trigger a sale via promotions in messaging and mobile apps. Today, 80% of businesses are using chatbots. There are also around 300,000 chatbots in Facebook Messenger. 

Enhance Content Customization

A video marketing agency Hong Kong noted that artificial intelligence has greatly improved video marketing. This is by helping them customize their video strategies through the insights they have collected from video viewers. AI collects data on videos that a viewer commonly and previously watched. These include the duration and engagement of a specific video which can be a beneficial guide. Each viewer has unique preferences. But with AI, marketers can see what videos stand out most and what elements they have in common. 

The same scenario goes for social media marketing. Most social media platforms house a library of collected user insights. These insights can guide marketers in finding the ideal persona of their target customers. Based on AI demographics, they can easily segment their target group. Based on AI analytics, they can very well create custom content that appeals to these groups. Let’s take Starbucks as an example. Such a global coffee chain has created a real-time personalization engine that integrates customer data and preferences using their mobile apps. From these pieces of information, they have conceptualized the reusable cups promotion in the UK in 2018.  The promotion resulted in a 150% increase in customer engagement and a 3x increase in incremental revenues. 

Help Better Predict the Buying Pattern

Marketers harness the power of AI to study the online behaviors of consumers. As AI collected data such as browsing patterns, searches, and website views, marketers better understand their interests, needs, and preferences. These help them segment their audience better and easier. AI also makes it easier for brands to predict the buying pattern among consumers. These greatly improved the accuracy of demand forecasting and demand sensing. As proof, AI saved the retail industry a $50 billion obsolete inventory for the year 2018. 

Improve Social Media Marketing Performance

As mentioned, social media platforms house a library of algorithms, analytics, and insights from machine learning. These libraries of information provide actionable tips on how to achieve specific social media goals. The goals may include brand awareness, conversion, customer retention, discovery, engagement, or uplifting a brand reputation. Around 77% of marketers have intelligently automated their goal setting and marketing tasks among social media networks. Likewise, 41% say that AI and machine learning have improved their social media marketing performances. 

Optimize Media Mix Strategies

A media mix strategy is a process of determining how much budget can be allocated in different marketing channels and platforms. This is to get the highest return of investment (ROI) for every ad spend. The big data collected by AI on the Internet provides insights on which ads performed best and which channel have they earned the most revenue. Using AI, marketers can make better decisions on media mix strategies. AI has always been on track to solving marketing and sales problems ever since they emerge. As an example, Disney has been using AI to fine-tune their media mix strategy. Via the Tableau software, the company aggregated data from partner organizations to create new media mix models for budget optimization. From such aggregated data, Disney came up with the idea of marathon weekends. This campaign doesn’t only result in a higher ROI but at the same time revived Disney’s reputation as the happiest place on earth.


How to Engage Customers Through Mobile Marketing

How to Engage Customers Through Mobile Marketing?

We are in the era of mobile devices. Around 5.22 billion people use smartphones globally. They are overwhelmingly popular for messaging and social media activities. This makes a social media agency Hong Kong very important in mobile marketing. People also use mobile devices to find gossips, news, and trends. Significantly for businesses, it is also where they commonly engage in online shopping. The conversion rates of smartphone shoppers have dramatically increased during the COVID-19 outbreak. With an average time spent of 3 hours and 15 minutes daily, such a conversion rate increased by 22%. Today, a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong always recommends mobile-friendly strategies. Thus, marketers need to know the fundamentals of mobile marketing. All the more, they should also learn how to engage customers through mobile marketing.


Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy that focuses on reaching target audiences using smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices through different channels. These channels include apps, eCommerce, emails, SMS, social media, and websites. Mobile marketing is the key to reach more people as they are spending more time on mobile devices. 

The concept of mobile marketing should revolve around:

  • Analytics to examine and track how much traffic it generates
  • Automation to shift your messages from one channel to another
  • Conveniences of choosing the right audience where to send a brand’s message
  • Cost-effectiveness to significantly reduce advertising cost in exchange for a higher ROI
  • Location-based and multilingual to encourage conversion among local customers
  • Responsiveness for content to display well in any mobile device
  • Simplicity to make it fairly easy to use among the audiences
  • Speed to provide a better mobile experience among users


There are so many strategies you can use for mobile marketing today. Yet, the key is to optimize and use each strategy wisely. Brands must also be practical to know which channels their target audiences spend most of their time. Among the common types of mobile marketing strategies are:

  • App-based marketing
  • In-game mobile marketing
  • Location-based marketing
  • Mobile ads
  • Mobile coupons
  • Mobile payment
  • Mobile search
  • Mobile website
  • QR codes
  • Text promotion (SMS, push notification)
  • Virtual and augmented reality


The basic principles of a successful mobile marketing strategy are:

  • The creation of mobile-friendly content
  • Effective engagement strategies for customers using mobile devices
  • Using mobile apps and platforms

To further engage a brand’s customers through mobile marketing, here are some essential steps every marketer needs to do

Audience Segmentation and Personalized Targeting

There are thousands of mobile ads that people see daily. So, brands need to segment their target audiences and create personalized mobile ads to increase efficiency by up to 30%. It is important to find time to collect customer feedback through customer support chatbots, ratings, reviews, and surveys. A better way to test the effectiveness of personalized targeting is to do A/B testing experiments. The smartest way is to do these based on what device the target audience is using smartphones, tablets, etc. Audience segmentation and personalized targeting can engage customers through a deeper kind of connection.

Mobile-Optimized Websites

Mobile marketing means considering the mobile users first. So, a mobile-optimized website is important for a brand to offer the best experience to engage customers. The most common strategy to optimize a website for mobile devices is increasing the website loading speed. This can be done by enhancing search functions and removing unnecessary widgets. Another common strategy to increase customer engagement through mobile marketing is the right choice of keywords for each content. Users of mobile devices prefer searching short-form keywords. As such, brands should be familiar with these short keywords commonly used among smartphones, tablets, etc. They should then incorporate this on any advert, email, or message that they create for mobile marketing.

Multi-channel Campaigns

Consumers no longer stay in the same place today. Mobile marketing allows brands to target audiences in different channels, locations, and platforms. Brands should be aware of the differences in time zones among them and their target markets. They should also enhance location-based strategies as it is one unique highlight of mobile marketing. Needless to say, content should be made according to the browsers used by mobile devices. The largest browser categories today are Android and iOS. Plus, each mobile marketing ad should be posted on top social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to increase visibility. 

Video Content on Mobile Marketing

A video marketing agency Hong Kong noted the importance of using video content in mobile marketing. It is expected to cover around 76% of all mobile traffic by 2025. Even 92% of marketers focus on video as an important part of their marketing strategies. Mobile marketers should aim to create video content designed to target viewers based on demographics. They can likely boost conversion on campaigns streamlined according to age, location, and sex. 

The Bottom Line

With more than 50% of people in the world using mobile devices, mobile marketing is one effective way to reach customers. To further engage them, the personalization of campaigns in mobile marketing is very important. Multi-channel marketing and mobile-friendly experiences can also significantly boost brand conversion and engagement.


How to Use Google Eat to Increase Your Online Revenue

How to Use Google EAT to Increase Your Online Revenue

Today, brick-and-mortar stores have transformed into digital shops. The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 accelerated the shift to online shopping. With such a shift among businesses comes the importance of ranking among Google searches. The more visible one’s business is on a Google search, the more chances it can generate sales. For a brand or business to rank in Google searches, it needs to adopt the Google EAT guidelines

What is Google EAT?

Google EAT is a search quality guideline published in 2014. EAT stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. It is not an algorithm or a scoring factor on Google ranking. It is, however, an important factor in making a content land on the first page of a Google search result. Google EAT is the number one criteria for YMYL pages. YMYL means “Your Life, Your Money.” For Google, these are searches that affect people’s lives and finances. These are content that impacts a searcher’s decision on health, happiness, livelihood, and safety. Google has thousands of humans that manually review the quality of web pages based on YMYL. These quality analyses help improve Google’s algorithm. 

How Does Google EAT Work?

Google search is a big piece of software that takes the words users type on Google to look for information on the world wide web. To determine the legitimacy and ranking power of a site, Google search measures the expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness of its online content.

  • Expertise focuses on competency and in-depth knowledge of the content. When people search on Google, they either look for an answer to a question or a solution to their problem. So, content or website should address these queries by providing more accurate and useful information on target keywords.  The data should be based on one experience and knowledge. Be like a doctor prescribing the right cure or medication for a patient’s sickness.
  • Authoritativeness has to do with the content or website’s credentials. Such ranking comes from external signals like quality links from relevant forums, social channels, and websites. Referencing your content from leaders or experts of a certain field or topic can mean providing information that has authority and credibility.
  • Trustworthiness focuses on the reliability and transparency of content. To rank well, content should earn the trust of Google and its users. To do so, content must be updated, relevant, and truthful. The website should not contain broken links, coding errors, incorrect information, or poor grammar. Make the website safe and secure website. An SSL certification puts a searcher’s mind at ease.

Google Eat is a continuous process. It means building the strongest content possible across the pages of a website. It doesn’t stop with mere linking to reputable websites and using target keywords. It means continuously educating the audience in making their lives as easy and meaningful as possible.

How to Use Google EAT to Increase Online Revenue

By following Google EAT guidelines, content or website has a higher chance of ranking in Google’s search results. Here are the most basic highlights of such guidelines:


  • The content must be free from factual errors. Most business websites contain different types of content. These include about pages, academic writings, advertising copies, emails, homepages, marketing copies, etc. It is important to proofread everything before publishing. A fine piece of content must be free from grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. The word choice should match the theme of a site. Factual errors on a piece of content can be a reflection of poor expertise and knowledge. Factual errors don’t only cover a piece of content. They also include broken links and slow-loading pages that affect the users’ experience.  A digital marketing agency Hong Kong improves a business website earnings by fixing technical errors and improving the content of its website.
  • The content must be original and relevant. An original and relevant content delights, engages, and supports the target audience. It is best to create unique content answering the audience’s queries. These should contain complete information for the audience not to seek information elsewhere.  Today, video marketing Hong Kong is now one of the most important strategies to rank in Google. Video content delights and engages the audience with media-rich information. They get 80% more conversions than images and text. Try using Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn Stories, or Twitter Fleets to share a brand’s message, and add product tags to support the audience with a better buying experience.
  • The content must be written by someone who knows or researches the topic well. Expertise is gained through formal and informal education. Formal expertise means gaining knowledge through certifications, training, or years of studies. While informal expertise can be obtained through hands-on experience. The easiest way to create an expert’s content is to have an industry leader, influencer, or subject matter expert write the content. While a challenging option is to write about topics where you excel. To build an expert’s reputation, you must do research and relay information objectively on your content. After providing expert tips, it will now be easy o pitch how a product or service can solve the needs of the consumers.


  • The content must still give substantial information even if pulled from other sources. Backlinking is an important process in gaining authority from Google. Backlinks are links that connect one website to another. The most common way to have backlinks is to use them as a reference for content. Yet, it doesn’t mean purely copy-pasting what is written. The key is to digest the information on a site and write it in simpler statements that can be understood by the target audience. Another 
  • The content should be optimized for mobile devices. Around 60% of people search for information using mobile devices. This makes it important to produce mobile-friendly content or content that readers can digest on the go. Short titles containing 5 words have higher click-through rates on mobile. Chunk your content into smaller sections by using bullets, images, lists, short paragraphs, subheads, or white spaces. Stick to simple layouts to stand out on small screens.


  • The content should be well-presented and well-organized. A well-presented and well-organized content makes it easier for readers to absorb information. They are more likely to continue reading the content if they find the information relevant. It is best to narrate a story in chronological order. To avoid confusion among readers, start by explaining simple ideas before going onto the complex ones. Or the problem should come first before giving a solution. The end result of trustworthy content is sales conversion. As Andrew Davis quoted: “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” 
  • The content should provide more substantial value than the other search results. A trustworthy content uses data, facts, and statistics to support the veracity of information it presents. To rank in Google search results, content must stay ahead by providing the latest information and trends. A key to adding a substantial value in content is listing accurate contact information about the brand, marketing speaker Hong Kong, website, or writer. It is the biggest proof of existence that can build the reader’s trust. By providing contact details, Google knows that the site can give comfort to customers to easily get support in their buying experience.


How To Hire A Video Company In Hong Kong

The benefits of using a video company in Hong Kong are that you will get a better return on your investment. Using a professional company will increase your reputation as well as creating brand awareness for your company, products and services. A corporate video is an excellent way to promote any event or product. If you have the perfect footage, it can boost the popularity of your brand. It can help to increase traffic to your website as well as cement your brand’s presence in your customers’ minds.

Using a professional corporate video production company in Hong Kong will ensure that all of your goals are met. Your video crew will capture the key events as well as any testimonials from current or past customers. They will also be able to record meetings or seminars. In addition, they will be able to provide you with interviews from experts in your industry. Providing this type of expert advice is essential to your company’s success.

Your video crew will have the skills and experience to ensure that your video meets all of the necessary standards and is produced on time. They will use state of the art equipment to ensure that you get the best possible quality. They will also employ a large number of highly skilled staff. Staff in a video production department are well trained and well paid. They will be able to produce a number of different videos that are produced in a timely manner as well as manage your budget effectively.

Your video crew will ensure that your brand video is created in a format that can be easily used and edited. A large number of companies in Hong Kong are offering a variety of different formats for your video. The most popular are Flash and Microsoft PowerPoint. Depending on your needs, you will be able to find a format that works well for you. You will be able to use these formats to ensure that you get the maximum amount of exposure for your brand.

When you are looking to hire staff, ensure that you choose one that has years of experience in video production. The more experience that they have, the more likely it is that they will be able to meet all of your needs with professionalism and skill. Staff should also be able to work with your budget comfortably. They should be very clear about the amount of money that you have available to spend on your video.

The video crew that you hire should be experienced in shooting video and ensuring that it is edited well. They should know how to capture images, insert video and ensure that the audio and video work together well. In Hong Kong, you will find many individuals that are happy to work from home. This is great news for you, as you will be able to hire staff from anywhere in the world that you wish. You will be in charge of the budget however, and you will need to ensure that your brand video receives the level of exposure that it deserves.